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FIP at the Breeder/Cattery
As a breeder with 20 years of breeding experience, I asked myself this question for the first time in 2002. I had discussions with many breeders of other breeds and read many articles in magazines on the subject. In November 2020, I was unfortunately confronted with FIP for the first time in my breeder life. My future stud had developed Neuro FIP without eye involvement. For me as a responsible breeder, breeding with a FIP stud or cat is undoubtedly not an option.

So I dug out all the articles and magazines I had collected over the years and read them again, as well as reviewing all the information from my former breeder colleagues, and my opinion was confirmed once again.

An article that appeared in a cat magazine in 2004 (abbreviated by me):

FIP appears everywhere, in small cattery's, in large cattery's, in individual homes, as well as in families with 2-3 cats, etc. FIP is not only to be found in messy cattery's with dirty environment, but also unfortunately in well-kept homes and apartments where cats are spoiled, belong to the family, enjoy the balcony, garden or roam freely outdoors. 

Every breeder is afraid about this topic and is quite helpless and powerless when it comes to FIP. Almost no cattery is spared from FIP. Veterinarians confirming the increasing cases of diseases in breeders. Many free-roaming domestic cats also fall ill with FIP, but often die in the wild and can therefore not be specifically identified.

The FIP disease, which mainly occurs in young cats, causes more and more breeders to search for the root cause and that is a long and contradictory journey. More than 100 FIP cases in various cattery's domestically and abroad show a completely different picture than previously assumed.

For example: 16 kittens from three different mothers thrive in one "nest". They play, clean and eat together and "only two" of them (from the same mother) get FIP. All others kittens were and remain as fresh as a daisy! They shared a bowl, a water bowl, a blanket and also the litter box.
Another example: A queen had four litters. In the third litter she had 6 babies, of which two kittens suddenly fall ill with FIP. All other kittens in all her litters were and remained healthy.

There are countless such examples and they show one thing above all: the disease FIP is not contagious as this was always been assumed. The origin will likely be found in genetics.

This could also explain why FIP vaccinations are useless. In genetically healthy cats it has no effect, since the cats would have remained healthy without this precaution, and cats suffering from FIP it expedites the process of the disease. The FIP test costs only money and is useless, because FIP cannot be tested.

You can also disregard the stool collection and test, because you can only find corona viruses and not FIP. Detecting the coronavirus titer in the blood adds to the confusion, as many cats have a titer of 0 to 25 just before death. Over 90% of all cats have already had contact with corona virus positive cats.

It has been observed that the stronger the immune system is reacting, the more FIP spreads in the cat's body. Because the more macrophages want to remove the FIP foreign body, the more the organism will be damaged. This means in plain English that immune booster like "Baypamun" or the homeopathic form "Echinacea" are not allowed in cats suffering from or suspected of having FIP. Make sure that your cat is not given these substances.

Some time ago, the kittens were separated from their mothers at the age of 6 weeks to prevent "contamination". We know of a place where 12 kittens out of a total of 22 kittens died as a result of this method, despite being separated from their mother. All 12 kittens were from the same stud. This emotional drastic cure is irresponsible. If a cat has the genetic defect, it will sooner or later develop FIP. If it is not affected, it will not develop FIP, even under severe stress.

More than 100 of the analyzed FIP cases in the respective cattery's always stemmed from a very specific stud. For example, if there are three studs living in a cattery, it must be analyzed in the case of kittens suffering from FIP, which stud sired this litter. This stud will produce one or more kittens with almost all of the females he will mate (own and approved) that will develop FIP. This also explains why there are more and more cases of FIP outdoors or bred and "it seems this horror never ends".

Of course, these studs produce male and female kittens, which inherit the gene but show no symptoms and are later again used for breeding. (...and the horror of FIP doesn't stop). Those studs need to be neutered urgently, even if they are so valuable and beautiful! They spread unspeakable suffering for the breeder, who cares for the litter with love, for the subsequent buyer and above all for the suffering, affected cat.

It is quite possible that these cats do not develop FIP themselves and can enjoy a nice, long life as castrates. The queen to be mated will not get sick either, as FIP is not contagious. FIP does not have to break out in the first two years of life. The disease can also break out later in life under stress.

In some cases, the mother queens were most likely responsible for her FIP sick kittens, since the stud did not produce sick kittens with several other litters. The stud as a carrier of the disease represents a higher risk factor, because he passes on his genetic material more often than a queen. If both parents are affected, at least 80% of this litter will die of FIP.

According to the latest findings, it can be assumed that both parents need a genetic disposition in order to produce FIP-sick offspring!!

FIP comes from inside the cat. The genetic predisposition for the development of FIP was discovered in 1996 by Dr. Niels Pederson USA. He had examined breeding and health data over ten generations and several pedigree cat lines.

WHAT can breeders do? Breeders can and need to know and analyze the ancestry of their cats. Pedigrees need to be compared. In FIP cases, it must be clarified whether the queen or the male has the genetic disposition (or even both).

Messages In This Thread
FIP at the Breeder/Cattery - by kittyhealth - 02-02-2022, 09:27 AM
RE: FIP at the Breeder/Cattery - by RMelrose - 05-26-2022, 09:25 PM
RE: FIP at the Breeder/Cattery - by kittyhealth - 06-02-2022, 01:45 PM

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