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Diagnosing Effusive ("wet") FIP
There are now a number of interesting and extensive websites about this topic, after in 2019 a field study was conducted by Dr. Pedersen with a drug called GS-441524, GS for short.

Since there is no specific FIP test, veterinarians evaluate the symptoms of the diseased cat, the diagnosis and rule out a differential diagnosis.

How is FIP diagnosed?

Until recently, FIP could only be confirmed by autopsy. Conclusive, well-defined tests for FIP have been available since 2019, although not all veterinarians are yet aware of advances in diagnostics.
If a FIP diagnosis is suspected, GS can also be used to find the diagnosis. GS treats only FIP; If the cat responds to the GS treatment and its condition improves, the diagnosis is confirmed.

Diagnosing Effusive ("wet") FIP

Effusive FIP is characterized by a build up of fluid in the cat’s abdomen (ascites), lungs (pleural effusion) or heart (pericardial effusion).  Cats who have ascites will often appear pot-bellied and their belly may feel like a water balloon.  If the effusion is in the heart or lungs, the cat may not have any outward changes in appearance.  If the fluid build up is severe, breathing may sound congested or be visibly labored.

Additional symptoms typically include inappetence, lethargy, high fever that does not respond to antibiotics, 3rd eyelid protrusion, and occasionally jaundice.

Complete CBC & Chemistry Panel

Whenever wet FIP is suspected, a complete blood panel and chemistry panel should be the first step toward a diagnosis.  The typical FIP blood work will show low albumin, high globulin, high white blood cell count, low red blood cell count, high neutrophils, high protein, and high bilirubin. Most FIP cats will have non-regenerative anemia, as well as a persistent fever.  Not all blood results will look the same; however, if some markers are present and the cat’s symptoms suggest a presumptive diagnosis of FIP, further diagnostics are generally recommended.


In that both FIV and FELV are more common and can present similar to FIP, these should be tested for and ruled out as a primary or secondary diagnosis.

RT-PCR of the effusion
Using a syringe, the veterinarian draws a sample of the fluid for testing.  This is a simple procedure that is done in the office, typically without the need for anesthesia or sedative. If FIP, the effusion is typically high in protein, straw or honey colored, and viscous.  Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) detects the RNA of the FCoV – i.e. is a test which detects actual virus.   Quantitative RT-PCR (RT-qPCR) is an interesting recent development in which the amount of virus in the sample may be measured.  A positive RT-PCR on the fluid is a confirmed diagnosis of wet FIP.  A negative RT-PCR on fluid does not necessarily rule out FIP, as there is roughly a 30% chance of a false negative.  

DO NOT run a RT-PCR test on blood or feces.   RT-PCR on blood or feces can, and often does yield a false positive, or a false negative.

GS As A Diagnostic

In cases where FIP is the presumptive diagnosis, an alternative to extensive additional lab work or procedures is to use GS diagnostically.  GS441 does not treat or cure any condition other than FIP therefore, if the cat begins to respond after a few doses, FIP can be confirmed. If the cat does not have FIP, the GS will do no harm.
THanks for this information! Have you ever read the article by Irene de Villiers and her experiences treating FIP with homeopathy? She has passed away, but I found it very interesting.
(06-16-2024, 07:48 AM)asgreen79 Wrote: THanks for this information! Have you ever read the article by Irene de Villiers and her experiences treating FIP with homeopathy? She has passed away, but I found it very interesting.


interesting read since I am very holistically orientated. Thanks for the link

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