Natural Vaccines for Cats - Homeopathic Nosodes

by Deambarino Birman cats
Natural Vaccines for Cats - Homeopathic Nosodes
My Birman kittens are not given any chemical (standard) cat vaccinations at all. In the past 12 years I have not vaccinated my kittens, instead I enhance their immune system naturally. Being in touch with a breeder from Austria who is using succesfully Homeopathic Nosodes, this will be my approach for my future kittens.

What are Homeopathic Nosodes?

Nosodes are specialized homeopathic remedies that are prepared by taking actual diseased matter from a sick animal such as diseased tissue or nasal discharge. The preparation of a nosode involves a lengthy process of succussion and dilution of the original material using traditional homeopathic protocols until virtually no molecules of the crude substance remain, rendering the nosode safe for use. This process, called potentization, inactivates the original disease substance and converts the material into a bioenergetic remedy which interacts with the body's energy field. The final product is a potent remedy that is an energetic blueprint of the actual disease.

Nosodes are completely safe, easy to administer, and can be given to kittens much earlier than vaccines. Pregnant females can be treated with nosodes prior to giving birth, providing immunity to their litters before they are born.

The difference between a nosode and a conventional vaccine is that there are no dangerous chemicals and additives in the homeopathic remedy. Nosodes are also given orally whereas core vaccines are injected.
Nosodes can be used in two ways: to protect against disease (called homeoprophylaxis), or as a remedy should the animal become ill.
Nosodes restore health through vibrational energy. They interact with the body's energy reserves, recalibrating positive and negative forces within the energy field and stimulating the body to heal and protect itself.
When a nosode is given, the body recognizes the cellular structure and disease imprint, producing an immune response similar to actual exposure to the disease itself. Although this is difficult to prove scientifically, there are numerous examples of how nosodes have been used in homeoprophylaxis and to treat the onset of disease.

In this video you can find some instructions to make your own nosode:

There are also some instruction on the Furry Boots website by Irene de Villiers. This website is from 2000, therefore I have copied her instructions to make a nosode below:

"MAKING A NOSODE (If you can't buy one or have undiagnosed illness): Don't unless you have to, it's a lot of work. Take one drop of body fluid (saliva, blood, whatever represents the symptom set of the illness.) Add 99 drops water. Never touch a remedy with your fingers by the way.
Shake hard. Mark down - potency 0.
Take one drop and add 99 water (discard the rest) and shake hard 100 times. Mark 1C.

Take one drop and add 99 water (discard the rest) and shake hard 100 times. Mark 2C.

Take one drop and add 99 water (discard the rest) and shake hard 100 times. Mark 3C.

Take one drop and add 99 water (discard the rest) and shake hard 100 times. Mark 4C.

Take one drop and add 99 water (discard the rest) and shake hard 100 times. Mark 5C.

Take one drop and add 99 water (discard the rest) and shake hard 100 times. Mark 6C.


When you get to 29C, you can use more to make a bigger volume of 30C. So take 2 ml for example, and make up with 198 ml water, shake hard 100 times. Rest one hour. Now you have a dosage bottle of 30C Nosode.

WHEN using nosodes for cure - one needs to be sure the selected nosode (unless it is one you make) matches the SYMPTOMS of the patient. If a patient has unusual symptoms in a sickness, then I rather repertorize a proper homeopathic remedy to match the symptoms, and a really good homeopath is necessary to do this."